The Voices Not in my Head

There have been quite a few reviews of The Most Dangerous Thing since it was published Tuesday. I am going to present the links here, without comment. I can't imagine anyone but my mom clicking through and she doesn't use a computer, but I just don't have anything to say about most of the reviews. Read more [...]

Pub Date

Years ago, I compared touring to something called The Naked Dance, a delightfully unselfconscious jig performed by a child for whom I babysat. Except adults are never unselfconscious, alas. Sixteen novels, one novella and a book of short stories later, I'm not impervious to reviews, but I've gained a lot of perspective, especially in the past ye Read more [...]

Last Call

I confess, I worry when I see a word like "confusing" in a review, even when the reviewer goes on to say that readers will be rewarded. Then again -- the time and POV shifts in the book are meant to be disorienting, part of the larger mystery (I hope) of how our parents' lives can be hidden in plain sight. Let's make that the reader question of the day: How do you feel about books that keep you off-balance and not just plot-wise? Read more [...]